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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

March 1, 2011

Why do I feel so bored with life all the time?

why?? why??!  oughhh TIDAK!!  setahu aku tak de lagi orang mati kebosanan... haisshh.. nauzubillah min zalik ..... 
meh kite nengok muke2 yg kebosanan,, boring dan seumpamanya.. orait?!

Let the pictures do the talk~
olololo comeyh nye budak nieh...

heh cam perli aku jerkkk... hahaha tapi "dulu" lea.. so takde la terasa sangat.. oopsss!
haaa.. nie keterlaluan sangat nih... gile direct perli aku... takasima kat umah aku tuh dah jadi hiasan semata2..
so konklusinyea...
nie lea keje aku bila kebosanan melanda... [berangan].. yeah!! aku mmg suka berangan... heee.. so wut??  

at last tetido gak aku pas baca novel.. confirm munya... gerenti lena..

hmmm.. nie la kehidupan aku wat masa sekarang... tak dak fight betoi... slowwww and steady je~

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