Dear Dumb Diary,
i'm angry on the outside . . . . .
. . . . . but i'm far angrier on the inside
School was oke today. Actually NOT REALLY OKE.
why do i have to meet this person on earth
nak bayar duit kelas pun b'kira tak hengat2
huh, udah lea tak nak bayar, nih gi hasut orang lain tak yah bayar..
guys + girls (who didn't pay)
i'm sorry, you are annoying me
malas dah nak gaduh2 di sebabkan hal yg remeh mcm nih plus ngn perangai korang yg b'kira dan tak m'bawa apa2 faedah pun kat aku
so you better shut your mouth.
Did you know, Dumb Diary, i really felt uncomfortable with my classmates
i don't know why...
i reallyyyyyy miss my old school, my old friends, my old teachers,
now everything has changed
PS: if you are reading this, j_ leong, then you are officially busted. Mwah-hah-hah
PSS: if you are (guys & girls who didn't pay especially), then Ha-Ha you are also caught in my surveillance sting.
yatt nie laen plak cyternye.. kat kelas endiri bagaikan org asing... =(
ReplyDeletehaha citer pasal sekolah rupenye ~ hey i take ur shout box (; is it fine? sorry without permission , before this i buat gune slide tapi banyak problem for PC. mean blog i just for lappy je la so PC x leh nk shout i haha . sorry k (; erkk i da follow u .