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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

September 7, 2011

Hari t'akhir d sekola semakin m'hampiri...

Dear Dumb Diary,

Tinggal lagi dua hari je aku akn jejak kaki d Penang Free School as a student. sedeh gile.
wehhhh teringat first time jejak kaki kat sekola tuh time nak m'daftar.. hahahaha neves tahap gaban... 
tak caya baca lea balik entry yg nih..
Esok ade game kapten ball. mmg nak have fun habes-2 lah..
To my friend yakni nad zul namanya tolong dan tolongggggg lea dtg sekola esok oke.?! Sebab minggu ni will be my last week.
 I'll miss abg botak, kee & pakcik guard. :)
Dgn rasminya esok aku akn letak semua jawatan-2 yg d sandang. kesian pulak kat eqa. mesti byk keja nak kena wat nanti. don't worryy syg. i'm sure u can handle it. 

Dear diary, 
this is my school.....

Penang Free will always be in my memory as a beautiful and great experience !
so friends, jumpa esok kat sekola. 

till then. 

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