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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

April 14, 2012


dear dumb diary.,,,
  I don't even know where it went wrong. I don't really know what had happened actually. But truly, it was painful. Tears.. please don't fall again. Ya Allah, please strengthen me :’(  mama … ace sedehhhhhhh sgt-2 …..  finally nanges jugak . agaknye da byk sgt gelak kot. so kena la jgk cuci mata . :( ahhhhhhhhhh... sedehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ......  It's hard to put into words. mama wish you were here....... :')
bak kata abah diam itu lebeh baik dari berkata-2 . tanak bg org terasa & tanak bg sendiri sakit hati . sabar itu cantik ,ace . 

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