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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

February 11, 2011

aku ingat kita kawan tapi rupa2nya tidak sama sekali.. we are bff! It is not for forever but for NEVER!

Memang sesuai sgt la utk kau yg kini wajar di gelar PENGHIANAT.. yup. aku sedeh betul sebab kenal kau..
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. aku rasa lea kan aku macam setuju sgt3 ngn words tuh... dgn bangga nya aku tujukan dan dedicatedkan utk kau....hahahahha...An enemy is  friend who has betrayed me.. nie ja yg aku mampu wat utk tunjukkan b'tapa aku sakit hati.. aku tak hingin pun nak balas apa2 kat kau sbb aku rasa kalau aku balas pun tak boleh tandingi kehebatan Allah m'balasnya.... semoga kau selamat dunia dan akhirat..!!!! apa pun alasan kau aku tak mau amik kisah....Friendship is not capable of ending for if it ends it is only because it never,, stay away from me.  Yeah, being apathetic is a pathetic way to be... but I don't care, what matters to you does not matter to me.
 I'll never forget what you did to me, but I'll never let you know I remember.
Baru aku sedar aku tak leh senang jea percaya kat org... terutama mereka yang bergelar KAWAN.. 

Ni lah namanya backstabbing

When your up, your friends know who you are.
When you're down, you know who your friends are.

1 comment:

  1. What I gonna say here reall touches my heart coz it rewinds my nostalgic moments or dark ages of mine.Theres one thing I learnt through those hard times...

    WHy do we keep resisting it,start accepting it as a part of our life

    and the world would turn to be a lot better
