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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

February 7, 2011

gud morning everyone the earth says HELLO [!!!!] :)

Pagi yg cerah lg indah!!! whuahhhhh!! hari nie aku kembali b'kerja after a week aku b'cuti... agak keberatan betul nk wat keja2 rumah. tapi apa boleh wat.. i've too... aku ni sbenarnya penganggur t'hormat,, yg baru jea abes SPM lbeh kurang a couple months ago... i'm not allowed to i have to take care of my granny.. wahhh kerja yg sgt mulia. :) kdg jelez gak ngn kengkawan sebab dorg boleh kerja.. oke lea at least dorg de pengalaman & paling penting they got their own pocket money... pendek kata byk betol lea kelebihannya b'banding aku...


Whatever it is sekurang2nya aku boleh lea tolong kurangkan ciket beban mama.. kesian betul kat mama... susah ooo kalau b'gelar wanita b'kerjaya lg berjaya nie..nk handle family lg nk handle students lg .. mama aku s'org guru m'rangkap Pengetua d SMK Batu Maung... she's brilliant & strong person.. i'm proud of you mama!!!

Tugasan harian aku tak lea sesusah mana pun... lebih kurang ala2 cinderella punya kerja lea.. heee cuma tambah m'jaga nenek t'cinta


Macam nie la kehidupan aku sekarang... aktiviti aku hari2 sama jea.. macam roda.. tak byk p'bezaan pun... 
“this is my life. it is my one time to be me. i want to experience every good thing.”

1 comment:

  1. at last ive found sum1 who practice the hello words juz like me....(i mean the title)but it almost turn up that no one understand what im saying.and stare at me??? hah? n proceed whatever they r doing
