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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

April 22, 2011

aku berangan lg ^_^

Here another new entry goes.
I don't know why, I really love writing recently. hahaha..
I'm a bigg fan of Hawaii five-O..

awww.. citer tuh best gile lah.. dulu time cite Hawaii five-O d tayang aku tak brapa nk layan sgt.. entah lah.. then hari tuh kakak aku layan cite nih.. aku pun tgk ar.. bole d katakan best gak ar.. sebb!!
1. ade laki yg sgt macho dlm cite nih.. tue yg wat aku melekat kat depan tv..  mood aku mmg t'sgtlah baek time tgk cite nie...
arghh tgk3 macho kan dye.. 
2. cite nie de tembak2.. very de suspen.. i lolike (:
3. aku nak jd mcm kono kalakaua .. cantik, ganas, sharpshooter, dll...

4. theme song dye best.. rancak betol.. dgr yep?!

Konklusinya tetiba jep aku nk jd polis.. hahahha.. inspired by hawaii five-O

p/ss: agak2 nye kn kalu akuh jd polis.. is it possible aku akn jumpa laki cm steve mcgarrett ? ? gara2 dio lah aku nk jd polis.. ngeh3.. :)

till then..


  1. 1st of all,Im kinda new in this blogging thing.Hope u still knoe me,and I have juz started using this blog thing.Hope u'l follow it.Commemnt bout this Hawai-5, I like the character Kono ntah apa....pelik sgat nama pun.She ave dat unique classic face..With juz a bit of touch up,she could me on the runway

  2. welcome2..
    p/s: i'm so addicted to Hawaii five-O.. kono cantek kn?? plus her smile so enchanting.. jelez i.. haishh
