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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

April 22, 2011

Zodiac ? Horoscope ?

I'm not giving a full trust to zodiac's researches, psychologies or facts. But I just had fun knowing their thoughts about me :)
Virgo' Zodiac sign  
People are attracted to that knowledge that can be applied practically. They are not secretive and willingly share their knowledge with anyone. They want each and every person to benefit from their knowledge. They are a peaceful lot and are extremely fond of harmony in their surroundings. They have good taste about kind of dress and the kind of house they live in. They are people of good taste and are elegant.
(sharing is caring )
Virgo Color  
The color which is best suited for Virgo zodiac sign is all shades of green, Grey, and Mushroom.
 (wakakaka Absolutely! Wrong)

Virgo Love and Relationships
People born under this zodiac sign of Virgo do not have much difficulty in making friends. But it is also seen that they won't take the first step until and unless they feel absolutely comfortable with the person. In love they are one of the most difficult to understand out of the other zodiac signs. People born under this zodiac sign of Virgo are emotional and sentimental but at the same time their practical thinking remains active. Virgo born people feel that love is devotion and will include love of family and friends. Marriage is a major commitment and they value their union both a love relationship and a life partner. In relationships they are genuinely affectionate. They make good spouses and caring parents.
>double :O (melampau sgt ni dia puji kan ?! haishh malu aku =,= )
Virgo Profession
The Virgo sign born people are generally knowledgeable of the work they do. They are able to analyze and reason everything from their own way of thinking outwards. The Virgo people are quick to see the weak points and can use this skill to become good literary critics. Virgos have a great respect for rank and position. Virgo people can adjust in any kind of situation easily and adapt themselves with surroundings well. They prove to be good mathematicians as they are able to look straight in the eye of practical problems and do not leave till they are solved. They are careful with accounts and their interest in statistics makes them excellent accountants and analyst. They also make good editors. The zodiac sign born Virgo may also find success as welfare workers and in ministerial work. They can also try their hand to become doctors, nurses, psychologists, teachers, confidential secretaries etc. 
 perghh !  aku mmg minat bab mengira nih, , lg kan nk kira duet mesti laju.. hahha tp sorry tue say aku mmg anti habes2 ngn accounts.. grr
 Virgo Lucky Numbers
The lucky number which is most favorite of most of the Virgo born people is 5. The years 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 61, 72.
 yow yow numb aku suka tak de dlm list ! nampak ngat bohong nye...

Last but not least Don't believe it too much. Just take it as your compliment of yourself *bukan selalu org puji kn?!* (:  Remember, you shape yourself. Try to explore what's your based on your birth date and you will found out that yourself is AMAZING :D
By the way, don't take it serious, I'm just sharing here yea.

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