From this moment, i think i want to stop crapping about feelings and so on because that is so not cool & I'm totally not interested.
Let's just start with stories. Maybe more about myself.
But not too much.
Because i don't feel comfortable telling people i don't know, about myself.
So it's up to you guys to judge me oke?
Right now. I just don't know why i'm being lazy. Agak malas gila jugak la kan.
So far, of all the subjects that i'm learning. Two of them, i don't have the idea what the subjects are about.
agak payah jgk nk catch up b'cs sbelum nie aku asyik d himpit ngn subjek sains & math je
dulu : agk leceh & rasa mcm sgt m'bebankn...
tapi yg tu lah yg aku suka...
skrg : asyik kena baca-faham-baca-faham
And one more thing.
ckgu yg ajr Pgjian p'niagaan sgttt -_-
she was the strangest person i had ever met on earth
cuti sekola pun dh nk habes
agh.. taksuka-taksuka
actually aku tak suka g sekola....
even though it wasn't nice to admit, but it was the truth
tapi mana bole tunjuk kat org yg aku tak suka g sekola lgkan nk tnjuk kat family aku
i have to be strong to face it !
aku kn kuat..
alah tk smpai 2 tahun pun (ayt nk sdpkn hati mmg aku pandai)
smgt aku nih kadang naik kadang turun..
mmg payah nk kekalkn smgt juang dlm diri aku..
cpt sgt down..
Please pray for my success!
oke then, daaa~
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