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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

June 20, 2011

to my sista

44, T. B. K. 2 ,
119** BYN LPS ,
P. PNG .

Kehadapan my sista Athirah abd. aziz yg jauh nun d sana.. apa kabo kome d sana..? 
hrp2 sihat walafiat lah ye.. ktorg kat umah nih suma nye sihat2 jep..

beb.. rindu leah... :(
bila angah dah balik umah & awak tak dak, rasa cm tak cukup geng pulak kat umah....
 msti awak rindu gila kan kat ace... hehehe.. 
ace saje jep wat post nih.. yelha nk hantar surat nampok ngat kuno nye.. so i wat lah entry dlm blog yg  crappy nieh..

beb... blajar rajin2 tao..! igt family kat sini sure awak lg semangat nk study... nnt awak free awak call lah... ace nk call awak pun takut awak busy..  yelha awak kan budk U.. mana nk sama ngn budk pra-U mcm ace.. hehehehe

anyway thanks cuz dlm life awak yg busy tue pun sempat lg amik tau pasal ace & sudi "cewahh ayat tak bole blah " dgr masalh ace.. touching yuw..

last but not least, take care yourself.. makan kena on time jgn lah jimat sampai kudukut tak igt2... nnt sakit ace yg susah.. sape yg susah?? ace jugak.. hehehee~

"Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there"


My gratitude for you has no end, i love you sososo much....

Your arms are wide open when i need a hug
You lend me an open ears when i need someone to talk to
You will always be there for me no matter how tired you are

thank you sis!

i'm glad to have you as my sister

salam sayang dari ace dan adek...



  1. aceeeeeeeeeeeeee....
    awk wat yah nanges...
    terharu sgt....
    yah xska taw awk bnding2kan yah ngan awk...
    dh mcm tu rezki awk ngan yah...
    len kali jgn ckap cmtu taw...
    t yah ciummmmmmm awk...
    pape pown gudluck in ur life..
    klaw da pape mslah jgn tulis kat blog ja..
    msg yah...
    klaw awk tlis lam ni ja kdang yah xtrbca...
    so yah xtawu...
    kta sharing sma2 keyh...
    luv u n adek sooooo muchhhhhhh... =')

  2. oke2.. pomise dak cakap dah..
    gudluck to u too syg
