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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

July 21, 2011

sorry, tak sengaja


honestly, deep in my heart

i'm so sorry if i'm doing wrong

 It was awful.  It was hard.  It was painful.  It was sad beyond sad. 

i'm truly sorry.. 
tak sengajalah beb..
bila saya stress sy lebih suka b'diam diri..
yelah takut t'mrah + t'gado tak semena2
I tried out to be a professional but it so hard
it's more easily to talk than to do 
needless to say

hormon tak stabil 

 mood sy mmg tak oke lately
tak tau la plk dgn sikap i nih dah bg orang d sekeliling terasa


Sorry sgt3

last but not least

you can put the blame on me :')

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