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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

July 13, 2011

dear myself

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful.
Stand up.
There's still a long road.

Stand up.
Don't you dare to give up!

Stand up.
For this is what life is all about!
 Don't live a life to please people.

That's lame and not cool.

Screw what people say.

Haters just don't disappear. 

And you just gotta keep on moving.

     Sometimes, we got caught up by petty things. 
All the time, we need our own version of painkillers. 
I guess you just have to keep on reminding yourself.
 We always have to be reminded to stay positive. 
Always have to be reminded to keep on smiling.
 Always have to be reminded to grasp the nettle without sighs. 
The thing is, no one is gonna keep on reminding you on what to do. 
The thing is, sometimes even they don't know that you needed to be reminded. 
Well, what do you expect?
 No one else knows you better except you are?
 So sometimes, when life is giving you a quandary, you just have to remind yourself.
 p/s:: Though forgiveness is the last thing that you would thought of giving to people who break you down, but try to be nice, try to have good thoughts, try to learn to let it go, try to learn throwing everything in the dustbin of history. It's a history that doesn't need to be remembered anyway aite?
till then,.

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