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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

November 6, 2011

raya haji

As u know hari neh kan raya .
so how was your day ?
mine ?
It has been pretty good, I guess ?
This year mcm weird jek. Sbb raya kat Penang.
Before this selalu raya kat kpg
#baek raya puasa & raya haji.
Dekat sana jauh lg meriah and much-much better than here.
um,i miss my big family :'(
Plus my bro pun tak balek. Lg lha sedu sadan mama aku sorg tuh.
Nama je raya korban tapi till now aku tak de lg melawat kawasan yg ada lembu terkorban.
Yelha asyik dduk rumah jek.
# I’m not in raya mood :S
|it will be recover day by day|

Selamat hari raya idul adha
Sama-2lah kita berkorban dlm mencapai k/bahagiaan hidup d dunia & d akhirat :D
till then . 
>>much love as always :)

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