
My photo
When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

June 28, 2011

What a tiring day.

Tiring day? Yup, absolutely.
I just came back from school and I was totally exhausted.
Another school day on saturday
 *bak kata lya*

haisshhh.. tensen3...
hari sabtu nih de sukan tahunan sekola + larian 1 Malaysia...
yg dok best nye.. 
i kena masuk p'barisan..
udah lea khamis nih raptai penuh..
aku plk nk g sukan sekola adek ..
kesian plk kalau tak gi...
hmm.. lantak lah..
wutever - family come first.. okes?
yg fasal sukan sekola P.Free plk....
sape tak dtg kena bg dimerit 5..
cm lawak je kn?
igt sekola rendah ke?
aku nih dh le jenis tak makan saman..

talk to the hand
kalau kena ( terpaksa dgn tak rela hati) i akn masuk p'barisan tuh..
kalau tak d wajib kan masuk
kompem aku tak kan masuk..
heh mcm pelik je ayat..
bantai je lah ~

balik sekola. lg byk keja yg nk kena wat..
bkn nk m'ngeluh or wut..
nk kurg kn cket tekanan..
yelah nk story kat sape.??
suma busy.
tak pe lah.
| aku kn budak kuat |
gotta go!

June 26, 2011

ada suka ada duka

Assalamualaikum suma..


Hari ni aku kuar b'temu kekaseh hati yg dtg Penang dri Putrajaya, jauhhh nun d sana..
beliau adalah mya..
kiddy gelarannya

*sorry tak de gmbar buat masa skrang.. nanti i upld laen okes?

tak byk pun yg aku nk citer kat sini... m'mandangkn tajuk entry nih
ada suka & ada duka

yg suka nye bila time hang out ngn kengkawan tadi.
yg duka nye.. meh nk story tp touching cket lah..
time aku g QB jmpa mya..
 kat rumah aku tggl mama, my granny, adek, ngn abah je..
kakak aku yg 1st tue dia g KL,
angah pulak dah balik t'gganu
kakak yg 3rd tuh da kat Perlis..
 abg aku td dia g kampus, ada keja katanya..
kat rumah tadi sunyi gila...
yelha adek sibuk (kusyuk) ngan korea
then tadi time mkn (dinner) abh tetiba je sebak...
aku ngn mama t'kezut kot..
aku pun g lah amik tisu lap air mata abh then aku pun mintak maaf kat abah
cuz td kat dlm kereta mama ckap 
abah risau  aku kuar ngn kawan2..

ace said so..
"abah,, ace mintak maaf.. kalau ace tahu yg abah marah dan tak bagi ace kuar tadi,, ace takkn kuar.."

nota b'faedah : aku sorg budk yg comei, yg amat dan t'amat payah utk kuar sorg2 tanpa family d sisi..
 sbb tuh aku jarang dan amat3 jarang kuar ngn kawan2.. dulu aku tak faham knapa parent aku tak bg kebenaran.. dan thanks 2 Allah.. akhirnya aku dah faham...

foe your information 
ni lah kali p'tama aku tgk abah m'nitiskn air mata
siyez tak tipu..
slama ni punye byk dugaan yg dtg,
tp aku tak penah tgk abah menangis..
 abah said so
"tak abah tak marah juz abah risau ja.. dan abah SUNYI anak2 tak da kat rumah.."

ya Allah... luluh hati aku bila dgr abah ckp cm tuh..
b'tuah nye aku jd anak abah..
ace sayangggg abah
 dan utk anak2 abah yg laen..
dekat mana pun awak suma tggl 
either jauh ngn family ke takk
p'cayalah yg abah risau & rindu sgt3 kat awak suma..
till then..
nite sume!

June 24, 2011

Full of meaning

| Bruno Mars - Count On Me |

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do

If you toss and you turn and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will remind you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go, never say goodbye
You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do

You can count on me 'cause I can count on you

June 23, 2011


Can I have one of these please??

June 20, 2011

to my sista

44, T. B. K. 2 ,
119** BYN LPS ,
P. PNG .

Kehadapan my sista Athirah abd. aziz yg jauh nun d sana.. apa kabo kome d sana..? 
hrp2 sihat walafiat lah ye.. ktorg kat umah nih suma nye sihat2 jep..

beb.. rindu leah... :(
bila angah dah balik umah & awak tak dak, rasa cm tak cukup geng pulak kat umah....
 msti awak rindu gila kan kat ace... hehehe.. 
ace saje jep wat post nih.. yelha nk hantar surat nampok ngat kuno nye.. so i wat lah entry dlm blog yg  crappy nieh..

beb... blajar rajin2 tao..! igt family kat sini sure awak lg semangat nk study... nnt awak free awak call lah... ace nk call awak pun takut awak busy..  yelha awak kan budk U.. mana nk sama ngn budk pra-U mcm ace.. hehehehe

anyway thanks cuz dlm life awak yg busy tue pun sempat lg amik tau pasal ace & sudi "cewahh ayat tak bole blah " dgr masalh ace.. touching yuw..

last but not least, take care yourself.. makan kena on time jgn lah jimat sampai kudukut tak igt2... nnt sakit ace yg susah.. sape yg susah?? ace jugak.. hehehee~

"Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there"


My gratitude for you has no end, i love you sososo much....

Your arms are wide open when i need a hug
You lend me an open ears when i need someone to talk to
You will always be there for me no matter how tired you are

thank you sis!

i'm glad to have you as my sister

salam sayang dari ace dan adek...


should i ?

| prom |

nk pegi ke tak ekh??

is it  compulsory?

malas nk pk tp this week kena bg jawapan either pegi ke tak..

tema : ala2 hollywood
yg t'libat : budk2 form 6
b'lgsung pda : 8 july 2011

at last,
no komen

June 19, 2011

Selamat Hari Bapa, Abah

Assalamualaikum & hye !
Post ini d tujukn khas utk my hero, iaitu abah, daddy, ayah, papa, walid, aka wutever u call 
*yg sama waktu dgnnya*
dear abah...
1st of all,,
thank you so much...
 thanks for everything
for every single thing that you did for me.

semenjak kecil aku dibesarkan
bagai menatang minyak yang penuh
semenjak kecil aku dimanjakan
dengan belaian gurauanmu yang indah
semenjak kecil aku diberi penghargaan
umpama seorang puteri
aku tidak pernah merasa bagaimana d pukul oleh sorg 'abah'
ketika aku mengalah…
engkau semangatku
ketika aku sakit…
engkau penawarku
ketika aku bersedih…
kau air mataku
ketika aku ketawa
engkau riangku
dan ketika engkau berduka?
aku harap akulah penawar duka laramu

Dan pada kesempatan ini juga ,
Aku ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Bapa
  terutama kepada Abah,
jasamu tetap ku kenang selama-lamanya,
walaupun anakmu ini terlalu sensitif, nakal, & degil .

Tanpamu Abah,
ace tak akn berada di dunia ini..
Hanya doa yg dpt dipanjatkan agar abah sentiasa dilindungi Allah
dipanjangkan usia utk kami (anak2 abah) terus berkhidmat
utk abah t'cinta.

ace mintak maaf sbb selalu kacau2 abah..
ace selalu cakap ikot suka, sesedap oren je ..
ace tak b'maksud & just nk gurau2 manja je oke?!
please don't take my words seriously
ace minta maaf sbb sampai skrg ace tak mmpu nk bg apa2 kejayaan utk abah.
i really love you sosososososo damn much
 ace sayangggg abah !!.

met my hero

You're the best abah in the world
the best thing i already knew i needed

till then.

June 17, 2011


Mikroekonomi Vs Makroekonomi


i really like Economics but  it seems like a tough subject   


June 15, 2011

aku dan semangat baru

hye geng!
assalamualaikum suma
| Semangat baru |
sedeh + frust lelama pun tak guna. It won't change anything.
Lets move on..
Ini jalan yang dipilih,
kalau sukar tentu ada hikmahnya kemudian hari.

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. 
 w'laupun t'lalu awal utk pk pasal STPM tapi tak salahkn? 
aku dah tak mo jd mcm dulu..
cukup lah pe yg aku dah dpt (pengajaran) dari hal2 semalam.
b'susah2 dulu b'senang2 k'mudian
ujian pun dah nk dekat..
so get prepared !
target STPM aku tggi..
 sgt gayat utk d'capai 
I believe nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.
aku nk bukti kan
  • t'utama kat mama & abah aku...dh lama sgt aku bg parent aku tggu utk tgk aku b'jya..aku nk parent aku tahu yg  anak cute yg sorg nih sgt bijak sbenarnya :)
  •  dekat manusia2 yg selama ni pndang aku dgn pndangan sepi je sbb aku gagal utk tmpatkn diri aku kat U. 
sedeh + kecik hati gila + malu = Tuhan je yg tau
  • dekat org yg pk aku nih s'org yg tak lah pndai mcm anak2 dia (w'laupun pda hakikatnya tak pun)
  •  dekt masyarakat kat luar sana yg pndg lekeh kat form 6..
oke cukup. 
tunjuk lebeh2 kang show off plk 

 so sudh2 lah m'jatuh kn smgt aku.. 

Segalanya datang dari ALLAH, mulakan tiap perkara dengan niat keranaNYA, pasti ada kemanisan dalam tiap jejak langkah kita tu, sentiasa ingat DIA, maka DIA jugak akan mengingati kita, sntiasa BERTERIMA KASIH kepada DIA.. semoga diri sntiasa mendapat keberkatan dan diberikan kekuatan dalam menghadapi semua cabaran kehidupan. Amin
biarpun jauhh 
biarpun lama
demi matlamat itu
aku akan teruskan berusaha
| bersemangatlah |
Mari Berubah untuk Meraih Kejayaan 
till then.

June 14, 2011

sadness in your eyes

I am just on here because I don't want to talk to anyone  
I don’t know what to do…
so many things are going wrong in my life right now.

i know if i cry so badly it doesn't change anything

What can I do to make this feeling disappear?

I'm Tired, I'm Frustrated

to my mama&abah 

I'm sorry to disappoint you again

Believe that everything is always getting better

June 12, 2011

School Survival

hey,, hye buddies!

as usual
its been about a few days I didn't update this blog .
Well , my dearly blog . Its not that I have forget about you .
It just, lately there's a lot of things that I have to do till I don't have time to update you, plus there’s no internet connection that’s why the lack of posting..
There's nothing new about me .
Instead of i'm being a new one.

Well, after a couple weeks spent my holidays.
Away from books, revisions and everything that related to school.
I became blur when i started to study back.
Maybe because i'm still in school holidays mood.
mmg cuti sakan gila.
i'm just finished my homework
fortunately tak byk pun..

i'm not feeling well
I guess its because tomorrow is a SCHOOL DAY :(

hmm, what can I say. 
I hate school

I seriously dread every morning when the alarm clock goes off. I don't think I've ever hated school as much as I do now. I'm tired of being so overworked.
I'm counting the days until the end of the school year and it's not even December yet.
I'm super stressed out and I hate it. I don't even look forward to the weekends anymore because I know that I'll have to do homework over them and then go back to school again anyway. I have no motivation to do anything, and yes, I do have friends, I just enjoy absolutely nothing about school anymore. I don't know if I hate school, or if I'm depressed, or whatever. I just want it to end, are there any ways I can make the school year pass by faster or cope with it?

sometimes it seems like i don't know what's wrong with me 

oke then.

June 7, 2011

Just A Thought. : A true, personal story from the experience

From this moment, i think i want to stop crapping about feelings and so on because that is so not cool & I'm totally not interested.
Let's just start with stories. Maybe more about myself. 
But not too much. 
Because i don't feel comfortable telling people i don't know, about myself.
So it's up to you guys to judge me oke?

Right now. I just don't know why i'm being lazy. Agak malas gila jugak la kan.
So far, of all the subjects that i'm learning. Two of them, i don't have the idea what the subjects are about.
 agak payah jgk nk catch up b'cs sbelum nie aku asyik d himpit ngn subjek sains & math je 
dulu : agk leceh & rasa mcm sgt m'bebankn...
tapi yg tu lah yg aku suka... 
skrg : asyik kena baca-faham-baca-faham
And one more thing.
ckgu yg ajr Pgjian p'niagaan sgttt -_-
she was the strangest person i had ever met on earth
cuti sekola pun dh nk habes
agh.. taksuka-taksuka
actually aku tak suka g sekola....
even though it wasn't nice to admit, but it was the truth

tapi mana bole tunjuk kat org yg  aku tak suka g sekola lgkan nk tnjuk kat family aku
i have to be strong to face it !
aku kn kuat..
alah tk smpai 2 tahun pun (ayt nk sdpkn hati mmg aku pandai)

smgt aku nih kadang naik kadang turun..
mmg payah nk kekalkn smgt juang dlm diri aku..
 cpt sgt down..

Please pray for my success! 
oke then, daaa~

Tahniah The Red Warriors

Terengganu 0 - 3 Kelantan

Kelantan akhirnya dapat membelasah Terengganu 3-0 hasil jaringan Izuan dan dua gol NorShahrul pada babak kedua perlawanan.