
My photo
When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

June 8, 2012

You know who you are :)

I am relieved to finally be writing you this post, and I hope you see the sense in my doing so.
 How are you?
Long Time No Hear, rite ?
 I’m sorry. Honestly, it was hard not being able to communicate with you.
Butt,.. Alhamdulillah , Allah is always by my side ,He’s never far away and I never feel alone.
Just need you to know that my life doing well without you .
I know it wasn't good to admit that..  seriously, I don’t need you in my life .  
I want to thank you for all the love, happiness, the pain and the tears you have brought into my life.

Wise words:  “What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now.”

till then ,. Take care :D

budak kuat yg dulunye sememeh .
ace .

June 5, 2012

Pengembaraan baru bermula .

Well hey my dumb diaryy ...

yeayy2 cuti da nak habesss so da kena start packing brg2 . 

Oh !

Penang kata pergi 
Perlis kata mari ..

New semester, Fresh start,  Stay positive :)

so now is a good time for me to chase my dreams 
accomplish my goals.  

# A good start is half of success. 

Pengembaraan baru bermula


May 26, 2012

sisa2 yg ada harusla d manfaat dgn sebaeknya ..

hye peeps ! 
sedar tak sedar tinggal lagi berapa minggu je sebelum melangkah ke uitm . wahh.. mcm2 perasaan b'campur menjadi satu . tapi mcm tak sabar je nak start sem 2 . mungkin sebab dah lama sangat duk rumah . harus la study balek kannn :) 
sekarang kesihatan pun da makin baek .. bak kata abah , kena lawan jangan manja sangat . wuwuwuwu :D 
next weekkk balek kpg. yay ! tak sabar nak ketemu my super duper biggg family yg t'sangatlah daebak ! (ohsem) :)) 

till then . have a nice dayy !

May 22, 2012

rasa mcm mati hidup semula :')

ya Allah , hamba-Mu ini bersyukur sangat.. sbb mampu b'nafas sampai skrg... :')
kelmarin satu2nya hari yg tak akan penah lupa seumo hidup aku . sakit Tuhan je yg tawu ! seriously .. skrg aku b'tambah yakin ajal akan dtg bila2 masa je . tk kira masa , tempat dan d mana kita berada . kelmarin macam2 jadi .
Pagi , d sbbkan abg dan kakak2 de kat rumah so ktorg buad gotong2 kat blakang rumah yg dulunya sangat lah semak serious tak tipu . tp skrg dah tersangat-lah kemas . daebak ! :D
then tgh hari , sahabat t'sayang yakni eqa dan yatt ajak kuar lepak-ing b'sama2 ckgu t'chenta, cik nora namanya d mcD, sg dua . sembang punya sembang sampai lah ptg , dlm pukul 4 lebeh mcm tuh .

Sesampainya d rumah pukul 5 . godek2 depan tv tgk running man :)) tetiba je aku rase mcm tak bole b'nafas langsung . sesak + sakit tak dapat nk bayangkan . abah terus call ambulance . abah hanya mampu ckp mengucap byk2 ingat Tuhan. tgk adek gn kakak nanges ,..  waktu tuh mcm2 dtg dlm otak yg sejengkal neh . kalau aku mati skrg.. cukup ke amalan aku selama neh . mcm mne mama , abah dan family aku ? ,.. sempat ke aku nak b'taubat dgn dosa2 yg aku buad selama neh .. :'( dlm hati hanya mampu b'doa jika mati itu lebeh baik untuk ku , Kau matikan lah aku dlm keadaan yg beriman ya Allah .. jika hidup itu lebeh baik bg ku , maka Kau panjangkanlah usiaku agar aku sempat bertaubat atas dosa2 ku ya Allah . 
Selepas b'tungkus lumus b'jam2 dlm wad kecemasan . malam tuh jugak bole balek rumah . yay ! seronok sesangat :DD 
d kesempatan yg ada , aku rasa b'tuah sesangat sbb mama, abah , abg, kakak2 , adek dan my bigg family sbb sentiasa ada d sisi sewaktu susah dan senang . hanya Allah je yg mampu balas jasa baik kalian sume . irlysm :)

till then .

May 19, 2012

mati itu pasti :')

Dear Grandpa., You passed away almost a year ago ( May 19,2011). As I think about the day that you left us I still cannot believe that you are not here with us. It came the day that you got called for your treatment, and we were all very excited..and then a week later I guess that God decided that it was time that He took over to take care of you.  Words cannot explain how much I MISS YOU. I know that I never told you as many times as I should have how much I LOVED YOU. ..or appreciated everything that you ever did for me as I was growing up.  As everyday goes by I miss you more and more.
You will be forever missed and loved. So until we meet again. I LOVE YOU :’)
Al-fatihah . 

ya Allah, jangan seksa arwah datuk dengan dosa-dosa kami. Ya Allah, peliharalah arwah datukku di alam sana..ya Allah, terimalah doa-doa dan sedekah-sedekah bacaan Al Quran kami untuk arwah . ya Allah, jadikanlah kami anak2, cucu2 yang soleh dan solehah.. ya Allah, ingatkanlah hamba-Mu ini tika kami lupa untuk sedekahkan tahlil buat arwah datuk. We really miss you :’)

#everytimewhenieatkokocrunchitsremindmeofyou :'D

lotsoflove , 


May 16, 2012

I never be alone . . .

ya Allah . peliharalah hati ini , lindungilah hati ini ..  jangan mudah tergoda pada cinta dunia...  ya Allah , don't let me ever turn away from You, no matter how many trials and difficulties You test me with.  Let these difficulties serve to make me a stronger Muslim and more sincere to You .  ya Allah ampunilah hambaMu ini kerana terkadangnya merasa kan kesunyian d kala melihat org d sekelilingnya sedang berbahagia dgn dunia .  I am never alone because Allah is always there with me  :')

April 30, 2012

~>> Seseorang yang sentiasa bergurau senda di hadapanmu,
Ketahuilah dialah seorang pemurung tatkala sendirian.

~>> Seseorang yang sentiasa menyuntik kata-kata semangat dan perangsang kepadamu,
Ketahuilah tatkala itu dia sedang menyulam hatinya yang retak seribu.

~>> Seseorang yang sentiasa kelihatan kuat di hadapanmu,
Ketahuilah dialah yang sentiasa mengadu lemah di hadapan Tuhannya.

~>> Seseorang yang ketawanya menceriakan harimu,
Ketahuilah tatkala itu dia sedang membalut duka di dadanya.

~>> Seseorang yang sering memberi hadiah kepadamu,
Ketahuilah dialah insan yang tidak pernah mendapatkannya.

~>> Seseorang yang bebas mengeluarkan cetusan fikirannya,
Ketahuilah dialah seorang 'petapa setia' yang tidak mampu
bersuara tatkala sendirian.....

sumber :

April 29, 2012

Running towards the future ....

Last Friday . Final result set to be released on that day.. I would never expect that I will get straight A's.
I can't explain how happy I was when I saw my parents's smile put on their faces.
That grateful and extremely happy feelings mixed into one.
Ya Allah, thank you Allah. Alhamdulillah. :’)
Ya Allah I thank you for every single thing you've provided me which is more than I deserved.

Mama dan abah yg d sayangi
This post is dedicated for both of you.
Sorry sebab lambat bg ‘hadiah’ utk mama gn abah .
Selalu asyik ace je dlm family yg bg mama gn abah risau , sedeh , lagi2 kecewa .
I am sorry for not being the best daughter that you wanted me to be. :’)
I won't disappoint you anymore
Hanya ini je yg mampu ace bg utk mama gn abah .
ace sayangggg mama gn abah sesgt
Thank you for always supporting me and being there whenever I needed it, and even when I thought I didn't need it.

To my sis , athirah.a.aziz
You passed with flying colors! Congrats . awak sangat ohsemm :D

April 14, 2012


dear dumb diary.,,,
  I don't even know where it went wrong. I don't really know what had happened actually. But truly, it was painful. Tears.. please don't fall again. Ya Allah, please strengthen me :’(  mama … ace sedehhhhhhh sgt-2 …..  finally nanges jugak . agaknye da byk sgt gelak kot. so kena la jgk cuci mata . :( ahhhhhhhhhh... sedehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ......  It's hard to put into words. mama wish you were here....... :')
bak kata abah diam itu lebeh baik dari berkata-2 . tanak bg org terasa & tanak bg sendiri sakit hati . sabar itu cantik ,ace . 

April 6, 2012

Get well soon :'(

I'm feeling sad
You're feeling bad
I hear you're sick
So get well quick
Get well!
Get well soon!
I hope you get well soon!
My prayers and wishes are always be with you :')

April 5, 2012

I am just so happy I can't express it into words


Spontaneous Thursday # left handed

 I'm the only lefty in my family
Well , hey . Don’t you think that being left-handed is cooler than being right-handed? hahahaha

April 2, 2012

I'm back after long silence :')

Well well, hello to anyone who will read this!
I guess it's not too late to wish Happy Semester Break, especially to UiTM students out there who just finished their final exams :D
I'm currently stay at home, and i'm going crazy being home all the time . 

p/s: i want to play netball :) wuwuwuwu .

tetibe je rindu kanak-2 neh . ~ 

* maen netball gn korg time DBS sport day- mmg terbaek :D

March 31, 2012

January 27, 2012

“Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, pada hal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu pada hal ia amat buruk untuk bagimu. Allah Maha Mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui”
-( surah Al-Baqarah:216)

run baby run .... :)

I'm sorry, I'm kinda busy.
. . . .busy with my assignments, quizzes & tests.
 I believe I can overcome all those challenges 
friends and family are always there to support me to make me strong and I know I won't disappoint them.

Oh. well, I've got to go.[go go go..go go go go] :)
 Listening test is waiting for me . 

January 18, 2012

January 12, 2012

girang gumbira .

Oke.hi ! akhirnya !! bole pun online. Akhirnya habes jugk minggu yg penuh test2 dan quiz2. Akhirnya bole jgk rehat walaupun kejap jep . and yes ! next week . I’m coming home . I’m coming home. Tell the world I’m coming home. .lalalaalalalalala…….

Rindu nak balik ;’)