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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

October 15, 2011

#day four : 10 things I want to say to 10 persons

I think this is the most difficult task. :]

I am sure you know what is best for you and made the right decision.Whatever you will be doing next, best wishes for your future endeavours.Hope we can still keep in touch in other ways.

u neh pegi jenjalan suka tinggal ai sorg-2 kan?  dah tuh tak igt-2 nak balek. haha. send my regard to your ego S. =)

balek semenanjung don't forget give me a call. kangen-2.

Please come back soon. I know you love penang because someone in penang love you right? yeah that's me syg ! :)

#nad nora:
It hurts we don't get along, I wish we could get along better. kita kawan kan? ;)

nasi dagang kat mane ai nak cari minah oii... beb, please change your mind. i'm gonna be mad bebeh. bile kita nak duet lagu just the way you are atas moto u lagi? haha. miss you gurl.

Where have you been hiding? Let's meet up soon!

I'm glad to know you're happy. you deserve to be happy. I miss hanging out with you! Find some time soon! To lose weight, we need to burn more calories.mmg kita rajin pegi jogging kan? :P

everyday I wonder when we will start talking again. I know it must be hard, please be alright and do well. I’m worried about you and miss you always know I’ll be here when your ready to talk. :D

Stop with how your acting. You pretend you don’t know what’s going on but you know your the one causing problems.


  1. syg,ai rindu u... nnt ai balik penang ai gtau u...
    2/11 baru ai balik penang. sabar yea,nnt kita hug2 pua2... hehehe

  2. yatt ngan aii you xnak hug ka ? #sentap hati mak nakk
    #ace iloveyoutoght-2 kekeke
    #jom-2 nnty kita meronggeng kat penang lama-2 :)
    #mya nk pindah balik penang yeayyyy ! :)
    #ace mya rindu laa moment yang kat sr masa ace nak suap tapi macam marah tuu ;)
    #yatt rindu laa kat u masa u manja2 gtaw pasal semut geget you <3

  3. hehehehe malu..aii kan romantik ala-2 brutal :S
    bile yg mya nk pindah tuh ?
    cepat-2 aii nak wat kenduri neh.
    yatt tuh dya memey. da lupa ace dahhhh.. sibok memanjangggg. sob.sob...
