# My beloved parents-
En.Abdul Aziz b Tahar & Pn. Shakinah bt Mohd Nor.
# My family-
My siblings including the rest from my mother and father behalf.
# My Friends-
Although,sometimes they're making fun of me. Yeah..There is pointless to
get mad on them. Because they're still childish. :D Thanks ya for helping me
all the time.
# My teachers-
Since I was from kindergarten,primary school and secondary school.I'm not always gave present for them when Teacher's Day. But,I will always remember their names and their seek to me.Terima kasih,cikgu ;)
Since I was from kindergarten,primary school and secondary school.I'm not always gave present for them when Teacher's Day. But,I will always remember their names and their seek to me.Terima kasih,cikgu ;)
# My good listener.
I'm the type of person which often sharing their life with others. Thanks for leading your ear for listening my babbling. :)
I'm the type of person which often sharing their life with others. Thanks for leading your ear for listening my babbling. :)
# watak-2 sampingan. haaa..korg pun penting tahu?!
#I guess this is more than enough right? ce kira confirm lebeh dari mampu. :P
imissyou lalink <3 :'(