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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

October 13, 2011

#day two : 10 things I love

# I love Allah.I love Prophet Muhammad. I love Islam and every-single-thing about it.
#I love my family.
#I love my friends. As we go on we remember all the times we had together and as our lives change from whatever we will still be friends forever.
#I love when people care about me. not just because they have to, but because they want to. I don’t want people asking me, “Hey, are you oke?” and leave when I reply, “yup,I’m fine”. I love when someone stays by me and ask, “Are you sure you’re oke, you don’t look fine.” It makes me feel better just to know that someone really do cares. Fortunately I have them. huh! \very dramatic one !/
#I love eating. Of course. What would I be without them? What would I do without them? I’m dying.
 #I love finding money I didn't know I had. kot lah terselit kat celah-2 buku ke. Pendek kata.. I guess what I'm trying to say is... I love money.
 #I love to smile because its something that brings a lot of joy in my life &I know it also affects people around me in a positive way.
#I love sentimental songs. I dont know why I really like listening to it. selalunya time tgh sedeh-2.  weelll tp saya bukn sorg yg jiwangkarat. tak brutal lah kan?! ade sidekick yg jiwang? i've no idea. dulu yelha kot :) skrg? missing
#I love the sweet moments. 
#I love my stuff. Stuffs are parts of myself- they work well when I know themselves. Work with them just like i live with my body. Including my hp yg agak ke-biul-an.
# love you. eh?? \not included !/ :D

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