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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

October 14, 2011

#day three : 10 things I hate


# Back-stabbers. I'll never forget what you did to me, but I'll never let you know I always remember. 
# Liars. Tell the truth even its hurt rather that being a liar cause it represent howmuch you can't be trusted.
# Hypocrites
# People who hurts my family.  
# People who like to be busybody. Can you just mind your own business? I'm sorry. it's so annoying. Such a \LOSER/
# A story with thousand episodes.  complicated sgt. naik fed up.
#when i can't control my anger. jarang lah aku nak mengamuk kat org unless dh over limit. 
# People who judges me without knowing who I am, what I feel. And I hate it when people that I care about judges me without knowing the whole story, and without listening to what I want to say.
# Public speaking. neves uh! suddenly I am someone I don't know. 
 # I HATE YOU ! haha. just kidding

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