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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

October 20, 2011

#day nine : 10 ways to win my heart

heh 10?!
byk tuh.
  seyez aku tak b'minat lgsg nak buat task neh dgn jayanya.
mcm poyo je kn.
Let's make it fast versi brutal punye org. 

# Respect my family. *
# Guide me to Him. *
# Easy going \ala-2 slumberr badak gituh/ *
# Common sense. *
# Educated. *
# Not a smoker. *
# Soccer player \ala-2 si comeh nizad ayub/ * ngehehe
# Just the way you are * :D

>>> lagi 2 tuh.. pandai-2 lah hidup. \yucks/

adios !

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