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When I am alone, I need company & someone to support me.. No one comes to help me except Allah... When I pretend to be strong infront of the world... Nobody sees my hidden tears except Allah...

October 1, 2011

# seriang domo

heh tak sangka comey jugek benda neh. dah mcm kek apollo je aku tgk. 

happy betol kaw ye domo..

halamak tengok! comey kan?

 hishh kalau sesapa yg rasa tension @ mood out tuh bole la tumbuk-2 benda neh. haha 

\keganasan t'serlah/

well I'm feeling better now. wuhuu

#tekanan perasaan sekian lama.cissss 

let's move onnnn 

 #Hidup lebih bermakna.Teh dikongsi bersama Em! jelas terasa.


No more tears_Enough is enough :)


  1. dollah punye ace.bley plak ckp domo tuh lagy comey dr i nih//meajukk..

  2. wehh...tak makan saman ar budk neh.. beb.. luruh air mata brutal ai taw tak tgk budk iylia tu punye vdeo kat belog dya. sebak doe tgk u nanges. hiashhh da mcm budk hilang domo dah. nad nnt kite kuar ai hug-2 u teruk-2 oke.
    nadddddddddddddddddddddddddddd tak moooooooo nangessssssssss dahhhhhhhhh.......... ai sayanggggggggg u laju-2 :D

  3. ace,nad nanges taw ari tu ... suka wat yatt cam nie,yatt pon sedih tp,u phm kan,ai susah nak titis airmata depan kawan2 ai... org kata ai ego.. tp dlm hati tuhan je yg tau... =(

  4. patutla dya pggl yatt si ego.. ace taw msti dorg fhm punya. dorg tuh bijak.
